Wednesday 28 February 2018

Create your own pattern

The students really loved playing this game today in class. Volunteers came up and made their own pattern. Click the picture to go to the link!

Monday 26 February 2018

Anti-bullying Day/ PINK DAY (Feb. 28)

Tomorrow is Anti-bullying day at our school. So if your child has something PINK they can wear it. We watched this great clip today from sesame street about bullying and talked about what you can do if you get bullied. Feel free to check it out.
Image result for sesame street bullying

Saturday 24 February 2018

Words of the Week

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A Reminder

Library is on Tuesday, so please remember to bring your books back! :)

Read Aloud of the Week

The students and myself have been talking about feelings over the past week. This week we will be reading the book When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry. To help our class better understand the emotion of angry, when it arises and what strategies we can use to calm down. This also fits great with our Virtue of the month, understanding!

Image result for when sophie gets angry

Tuesday 13 February 2018


Look at all our awesome peacemakers up on the wall! Taken from our read aloud last week, No, David. The students really enjoyed making their own peacemaker David. Nice job grade ones!

Read Aloud of the Week: Nine Ducks Nine

This was a great read aloud for counting down as well as retelling the story with picture cards and acting. The students really enjoyed it.

Image result for nine ducks nine cover

Saturday 10 February 2018

Peacemakers and Peacebreakers

Last week the students and I read the book No, David, as our read aloud. They loved it! Since then we have been talking a lot about what it means to be a peacemaker and a peacebreaker. Together the students and I came up with these great rules for our classroom and I have already seen many of them in action being peacemakers. Keep up the awesome work grade ones!

Words of the Week: Feb. 12-14

These are our sight words for the week, I will begin posting them on the blog so you can also practice these words at home with you child. Some fun games I do in class include finding the word, writing the word on a whiteboard, and saying the word in different or silly voices. :)

he     look     on

Read Aloud: The Secret Diary of a Wolf

This week we will explore points of view with this fun story! Look for it on Epic Books.